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Broker 美国证卷商 | Sharetisfy Dec 19, 2017 在美国如何开股票账户? - 未名空间(mitbbs.com) 开户不管签证的, 有SSN 就可以, 从网上下载表填好, 和支票一起寄过去, ETrade, Ameritrade, Scottrade都可以的. 网上炒, 每次交易7-13刀. 不过报税会不一样. 以 前看文学城上有人在英国的, 说外国人会被扣税, 然后自己填表找IRS 要. 有绿卡的会 寄1099表给你, 你自己抱. TD Ameritrade vs Scottrade. TD Ameritrade is a good online broker for long-term investors. How does it compare to Scottrade? Read our comparison chart below. TD Ameritrade offers $0 commission online stock, ETF, and option trades. This online broker also has more than 100 branch locations. Scottrade vs TD Ameritrade. Scottrade is a solid choice for cost-conscious traders who are familiar with online investing. How does it compare to TD Ameritrade? Read our comparison chart below. Scottrade offers stock trades at $6.95 per trade and more than 275 branch office locations.
Save money and be informed. CreditDonkey is a stock broker comparison and reviews website. This website is made possible through financial relationships with card issuers and some of the products and services mentioned on this site.
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TD Ameritrade vs Scottrade. TD Ameritrade is a good online broker for long-term investors. How does it compare to Scottrade? Read our comparison chart below. TD Ameritrade offers $0 commission online stock, ETF, and option trades. This online broker also has more than 100 branch locations. E-Trade currently offers $600 bonuses for deposits of $250,000 or more. E-Trade also offers a $2,500 bonus if you deposit $1,000,000 or more. E-Trade vs. TD Ameritrade: Tradable securities. In addition to trading stocks and bonds, E-Trade and TD Ameritrade offer their customers a wide range of investable asset classes to choose from: TD Ameritrade: $0 commission stock and ETF trades. Etrade: Get zero commission on stock and ETF trades. Ally Invest: Up to $3,500 cash bonus + $0 commission trades. Firstrade: Get a FREE stock when you open a Firstrade account. E*Trade vs TD Ameritrade Results TD Ameritrade won most categories, but E*Trade would be a good choice for option traders. Both have per-contract options fees of $0.65, but TD Ameritrade will set you back more for broker-assisted trades ($44.99 versus E*TRADE's $25.00) and mutual fund outside the no-fee list ($49.99 这类券商的代表有,盈透证券、嘉信理财、TD Ameritrade(scottrade已被TD Ameritrade收购)、E-trade、Zecco、MB Trading、tradeMONSTER、TradeKing等。 对于资金量较大的专业投资者,可以选择盈透。盈透的手续费最低,但是服务和功能非常强大,可以直达的全球20个国家100多个交易所的产品,而且提供丰富的编程接口。 TD Ameritrade最近的一次收购是16年7月发起的以40亿美元对美国另一家有着35年经营经验的在线折扣券商Scottrade的收购。 多伦多道明银行集团(TD Bank)(拥有TD Ameritrade 42%的股权)现金收购Scottrade银行,TD Ameritrade以现金和股票的形式收购Scottrade证券的经纪业务。 E*TRADE offers close to 4,500 no-load funds and just under 8,000 in total. However, if you’re interested in commission-free ETFs, E*TRADE offers more than 100, while Scottrade doesn’t offer any. E*TRADE vs. Scottrade: User Interface Winner: E*TRADE. E*TRADE is known for its sophisticated, easy-to-use interface and trading tools.
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史上最详细美股开户攻略及券商对比! - 知乎 实际上无论你是什么身份,都可以在美国合法炒美股。要炒股,第一步当然是找券商注册股票账户。那么应该如何选择适合自己的券商呢?如何进行开户呢?账户类型美股开户有两种类型, 美国国内账户和 美股 …
这类券商的代表有,盈透证券、嘉信理财、TD Ameritrade(scottrade已被TD Ameritrade收购)、E-trade、Zecco、MB Trading、tradeMONSTER、TradeKing等。 对于资金量较大的专业投资者,可以选择盈透。盈透的手续费最低,但是服务和功能非常强大,可以直达的全球20个国家100多个交易所的产品,而且提供丰富的编程接口。
Feb 18, 2020